Friday 27 May 2011

The Hanging Hooke at The Ustinov

An incredibly interetsing one man show about the life of Robert Hooke, the man who could have been England's Da Vinci. Told through the eyes of one of his old freind's and Hooke himself this play keeos you entertained from beginning to end.

Wednesday 25 May 2011

The Pitmen Painters at The Theatre Royal

A highly amusing 1930's set comedy about the struggle of the working classes to become respected in higher culture. Revolving around miners in Ashington who hire an art professor to better themselves and then discovering that soem of their number can actually paint. Amusing and amiable.

Thursday 19 May 2011

Ovid's Metamorphis by The Pants on Fire theatre company

A fabulous reworking of a classic, into a very amusing 1940's war time social comedy. The acting was superb and the humour well fitted without missing a part of the story.The use of technical and set design was also brilliant. A totally enjoyable evening out.

The Bronte Sisters at The Theatre Royal

An interesting piece of work about the lives of the three authoresess, combining the introduction of two of Emily and Charlotte's most famous characters: Mrs Rochester and Catherine Earnshawe as alter egos.