Monday 20 December 2010

Review of Seven Brides for Seven Brothers'

This was a typical musical to go see. Pure good fun, well acted and with actors' whose voices could only have been meant for the theatre Seven Brides for Seven Brothers' was performed and acted flawlessly. Catchy songs added to the simple storyline of love and romance mixed with a moral on how to treat a lady. All round an enjoyable night out.

Theatre Review of The Merry Wives of Windsor

The Merry Wives of Windsor was a hugely enjoyable piece of work performed in the Theatre Royal Bath. Sticking to conventional Shakespeare traditions this lovely little comedy stole our attention away and provided us with an evening of high entertainment.

"The Factory"

"The Factory by the Earthfall Theatre Comapny is an interesting piece of work about the work of Andy Warhol. A conteporary physical theatre piece that although visually stunning was not coherent in it's potrayal of the plot.

Friday 5 November 2010

Hamlet by The Two Gents Company

Being a Shakespeare fan I am only desirous to see classical adaptations of his works. Alhough this play was an amusing and interesting take on one of Shakespeare's greatest tragedies I was distinctly unamused. If you are a classicalist, I would not advise this play, interesting as it may be.

Noel Coward's Blythe Spirit

A lavish set and fine acting set this play up to be a huge success. Despite the wonderful acting of Alison Steadman et al, this play fell short of the mark and left me feeling slightly underwhelmed. A huge shame as if it had had an extra amount of zest the house would have been in complete fits!

Lily Through The Dark

A spectacular production performing an interesting take on the classic discussion of how to deal with loss. Performed with strong Tim Burton esque references and a Gothic feel this play captured the mind and the senses and drew you into it's dark world in a gentle,and at points, amusing manner.

Review of Late Noon Sun

An interesting mix between film and theatre, this production captured the grizzly feel of the plot through it's Hitchcock style filming and silent acting. A drak and twisted tale of affairs and murder presented in a vintage style it left us talking about if for quite a while afterwards!